Funny video captures the world’s most vain capybara

Funny video captures the world's most vain capybara Funny video captures the world’s most vain capybara (Photo: Reproduction/Instagram)

The hilarious video of a truly vain capybara with curlers in its “hair” is making internet users burst into laughter!

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The clip, shared on Instagram a few days ago, has already garnered over 100,000 likes and hundreds of comments from internet users who enjoyed the stylish capybara.

+ With a bit of effort, you can understand what dogs are saying when they bark, howl, or whine

“This is how I feel when Beyoncé plays,” joked an Instagram user. “[I] when I’m getting ready,” commented another. “They are so cute,” said a third internet user. “Okay, I’m melting with love,” affirmed another.

Despite being cute, capybaras are not animals that can be domesticated. According to the Spruce Pets website, however, with proper training and care, they can be gentle and friendly animals with humans.

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